The Sunday Ride…Extravagant Van Hulsteijn Bicycles

Van Hulsteijn bike

Van Hulsteijn bike

Van Hulsteijn bike

Van Hulsteijn bike

Holland’s bicycle company Van Hulsteijn founded seven years ago as a design studio with the focus on interior design now produces this extravagant bike. When Van Hulsteijn built a prototype of this bike for personal use 2 years ago people started asking obsessively were it came from and only then Herman van Hulsteijn and his team decided to start manufacturing a line of bikes. The Vanhulsteijn Bicycle is one beautiful curvy bike built with stainless steel, a two-speed Sturmey Archer kick shift and three-speed coaster brakes. Apart from the classic Cyclone Van Hulsteijn also has several specialty designs such as the Paris, Woody and Blue Fixie — all loaded with custom touches and aesthetic niceties.

Reginald E. Weekes IV