Impossible Project SX-70 Black Label Camera Kit

Impossible Project SX-70 Black Label Camera Kit

Instead of everyone hovering around a small LCD screen to see how they look in the latest snapshot, there was a day when partygoers waited for the picture-taker to finish shaking out the image on a Polaroid. (Or not shaking, depending on which school of belief you fell into.) Thanks to the kind folks at Impossible Project, all hope is not lost for us Polaroid lovers. The SX-70 Black Label Kit provides you with a beautifully refurbished and reconditioned SX-70 (the collapsible SLR Polaroid produced in the 70′s and early 80′s) along with two packs of film and an Impossible ND filter for proper exposure when you’re shooting. The camera itself sports an all-black look with black leather coating and a bit more style than any point-an

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Reginald E. Weekes IV